By entering your details in the fields above and submitting your registration, providing that you are accepted onto the programme, you agree to allow Q N A International LLC to electronically send and publish your company profile and contact details in our conference packs, which will be shared with the sponsors/suppliers of the Congress you have chosen to attend. This is a condition of attendance.
Further, your company name/logo may be used on the congress website/s, onsite branding for information purposes only. No contact information will be displayed on these websites. The data controller is Q N A International LLC. Q N A International LLC may use an individual delegate's personal and/or company information for the purpose of sending to the individual delegate details of its services or those offered by its marketing partners or members of its group. Q N A International LLC may also disclose such personal information to its suppliers/sponsors of the congress.
QnA stands for Quality and Assurance & since 2004 we are producing global events in targeted industry verticals driven by the value of promising less & delivering more.
508, Opal Tower,
Business Bay,
United Arab Emirates